1. My cries for equality cannot be silenced, no matter how fiercely you are determined not to listen.
Censorship never stopped Nellie Bly.
It never stopped Martin Luther King Jr.
It doesn’t stop the President.
And so it be, it shall never stop me.
2. My right to bear arms, and yes, I mean my arms will not be infringed upon by a school dress code or any social construct that I am obliged to believe in.
I will wear what I want.
When I want.
And I should not be afraid to do so.
3. No malice will be quartered in this home.
No bitterness will be laced on this tongue.
No hostility will find a sanctuary under this skin.
4. Unreasonable search or seizure of my body is never justified.
I don’t care if he’s the captain of the football team.
I don’t care if he gets straight A’s.
I don’t care if it was only “20 minutes of action” that will ruin his whole life.
I don’t care if he forgot the meaning of “no.”
It should’ve been the first word he ever learned.
5. The taking of my private property as it pertains to my dignified femininity shall be condemned. And it shall always be such.
Double Jeopardy is my favorite category, but only when I want to play.
6. I will welcome the witnesses who wish to testify against me. Let them build me up by breaking me down.
7. I consent to being judged by a jury of my peers. I welcome them with an open heart and open eyes and open arms.
Regardless of their skin color.
Regardless of their socio-economic status.
Regardless of their religion.
Regardless of their native tongue.
Regardless of their sexuality.
Regardless of their gender identity.
Welcome home.
8. Cruel and unusual punishment is outlawed, but somehow a man who has rape allegations against him is President.
I can’t recall a crueler punishment than this.
Every single syllable he speaks is a dagger to my personhood.
9. Privacy is inherent. But it is not stated.
Not all rights have been written out.
Not all fights have been fought.
Not all battles have been won.
So, let’s stop acting like they have been.
Uncertainty is okay.
So is defeat.
10. The powers not granted to my government, are granted to me.
But, I have never felt more powerless.
Bill of Rights Poem