I Today’s my last day in California, and as if some kind of twisted joke, it is especially glorious, a day spent wrapped in the arms of comfort, my name light in the air as […]
One Last Time
I was walking down 85th and Lex when I saw him. It had been four months since the last correspondence. This was after our direct contact dissipated because of his drinking, which led to the yelling, which led to me wearing longer sleeves and waking up earlier to add more layers of makeup. The marks human eyes couldn’t see took longer to fade.
An Interview With Kiera Allen
Allen co-stars in the new film “Run,” which premiers on Hulu Friday, November 20.
Anti-Sweetheart Sentiment
I’ve always thought redemptions should come in the form of damp little castles.
In the express checkout lane, the cashier asked her if she’d found everything she was looking for. She didn’t know how to answer, so she left the store without buying anything.
Picture and Pen
When I want to know more about him, I read the words that shot fists into the air.
Still Manic
I get manic when people turn sex education into something it is not.
Henry Drobbin Talks Unions, Layoffs, and Restructuring
“It’s union busting. To have clear and direct language in a collective bargaining agreement, a precedent that has been followed for ten years, and then to cast it aside and say, ‘We don’t follow that. We don’t need to have this conversation with the union.”
Works of Caitlin Du, Part 2
Caitlin was born and raised in Beijing, China. In 2018, her work was exhibited in the Metamorphosis Charity Exhibition in the UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in the 798 art district. Caitlin moved to New York City in […]
Restructuring the Conversation: Richard Bernstein on The New School Layoffs
“For six months now, they’ve been talking to us about restructuring. There’s now a task force about this, but no one has a concrete idea of what that restructuring means. All you have to work on is rumors, and that’s terrible […] No faculty member has a clue about what this concretely means and when it’s going to happen. And that, I know, has caused enormous anger and frustration.”
Unbuttoning is always forgettable; in either a monotonous or adrenaline-filled way.
An Interview with Erin Khar
Disclaimer: This interview discusses addiction and may be hard for some to read. Erin Khar offers anecdotal advice that is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Erin Khar’s debut memoir, Strung […]
Works of Caitlin Du
Caitlin was born and raised in Beijing, China. In 2018, her work was exhibited in the Metamorphosis Charity Exhibition in the UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in the 798 art district. Caitlin moved to New York City […]
“In Books, as in Confessionals, Only the Unspeakable Is Worth Confessing”
Edoardo Albinati’s first novel to be translated into English has been described by some as semi-autobiographical or “autofiction”—though the author has insisted in one of only two previously printed interviews in English that the narrator of “The Catholic School” who shares his name is “not autobiographically [him].” This interview, translated by Dave Johnson, aims not to uncover the biography of the author Edoardo Albinati, but rather to dive deeper still into the world of his self-named narrator.
Directed by Pennacky
It was 8 a.m. on Sunday in Brooklyn, and while my translator, Kana Motojima, and I groggily boiled water for our tea, Kenichiro “Ken” Tanaka was taking a quick 10 p.m. break at a shared […]
Golden State: The Alchemy of a Reluctant Memoirist
“The struggle with writing all the time is that you, occasionally, have to go to unimaginable places.”
Touching My Face
My mom wants me to stop touching my face because my hands are dirty, and I’ll break out, but I love touching my face.
Bill of Rights Poem
My cries for equality cannot be silenced
Works of Annie Fay Meitchik
Annie Fay Meitchik is an artist, blogger, and writer based in Southern California graduating from The New School this spring with her BA in Creative Writing. Annie plans to pursue a career at the intersection […]
Interview With a Sugar Baby
Anna* is a woman in her mid-twenties who is studying for her Master’s degree in New York City at an Ivy League University. When she was denied financial aid, she sought out alternative methods to pay for school. She signed up for a website that focuses on sugar dating, where her company is valued by an exchange of an allowance or gifts. In this interview, we discuss her personal life, her lifestyle, and her opinion on sugaring.