The Mind Manifesto (cont’d)
Victoria Iglesias

the 	mind 				


at   the   bottom		

 of   a  swimming  pool. 	

Here,   			 it  				thinks:

about 		occupying 		space, 	 	the dizzy	-ing 	number 		of ways 

to	 do	 so.      		

A 	room 		forms	 and 		informs 		the 		relationship 	


a	space,  		

becomes 		another	 		neural					 network.    

Another 			click 	of 	the 	lock, 		

another 		frozen				sunlit						hour. 

Consider  	how  windows 		may alter   an 	 atmosphere,   		 an 		opinion.    	        


how one may decide	 differently	 in a room full of	 sunlight 
as opposed to	a 	room  lit 	 by 	one		fluorescent			

bulb —

Once   I		 memorize 

the grooves on the water,      I float to the 

top.    				 Here,   I 	exist
 in the confines of a 	flood, 		controlling      and being 	
controlled,    		 the opposite of lifeless.      

For what feels like years,   I   convert 		drowning   	  to 				language 

rhythmically,    on schedule 	even.